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Welcome to Momentum

We're here to support you, whether you're building your small business dreams, your career, or your financial wellness.

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Thu Mar 23, 2023 by Momentum Staff

One of Momentum's Welcome Staff sits at the front desk, with the participant lounge in the background.


We're here to support you, whether you're building your small business dreams, your career, or your financial wellness.

We are a change-making organization, offering affordable and no-cost programs to those living with financial barriers.

Curious about starting your entrepreneurial journey? Check out our Small Business programs.

Want to empower yourself with Financial Literacy? Our Financial Empowerment programs might be for you.

Ready to build a new career in the Trades or Tech? Get started with our Pre-apprenticeship Trades and Skills programs.

Our Welcome Team can assist you in answering any questions you may have.

Check out these success stories!

From surviving to thriving: Rocio Martinez recovered from financial difficulties, and recently purchased her first home. Click through to watch her story on CTV.

Scrumptious small business success: Read about Carolina De La Torre, a Momentum participant who now runs the successful Arepas Ranch food truck. In this piece she advocates for small business support during times of inflation. Click through to read the story on CBC Calgary.

Building a career and breaking barriers: Read and watch Lexi Zhang, a Momentum Carpentry grad who now enjoys a career in sustainable small home construction. Click through to see her story on CTV.

We're happy you're here. Your success story is waiting for you!