Arrow textures in white on a transparent background



Donate today

Give the gift of a bright future.

Every person deserves a chance to thrive. Your donation means that over 10,000 people this year will have access to economic opportunities through Momentum’s programs and our partners. Empower someone’s future with the gift of financial independence through entrepreneurship, financial literacy, and job skills training. Investing in Calgary’s future starts with you!

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Make a one-time donation

Take a step towards big change.

Arrow textures in white on a transparent background

Impact Report

See our complete 2023 Impact Report.

A young woman with long dark hair sits in the Momentum participant lounge.

Other Ways to Give

There are so many ways to make in impact.

Mail us a donation form

Fill out and mail us this donation form or give us a call.
Phone: 403-204-6187
Address: 100 - 525 28 St SE Calgary, AB T2A 6W9

Registered Charitable Number: 

88379 3218 RR0001

We expect to spend $0.11 on fundraising costs for every $1 raised

CRA List of charities and qualified donees

Gift of Securities

Gifts of Securities can be made via our partner Canada Helps or by contacting our Resource Development Team.

A gift of publicly traded securities can provide an unexpected means to give more than you may have thought possible. If you own publicly traded securities that have grown in value, you may face a tax bill when you sell them. By donating them directly to Momentum, you eliminate 100% of the capital gains thereby reducing your tax bill and making a meaningful contribution to helping people exit poverty.

Legacy Giving

We all want to help those around us and leave the world a better place. Leaving a charitable gift in your Will is another way to make your mark. We can work with you to build a meaningful plan that creates a lasting legacy while looking after your loved ones and minimizing your taxes.

Learn more by contacting our Resource Development Team.