Springtime and Sustainability at Momentum
Momentum's Sustainability Action Group burst out the springtime gate with some Earth-friendly staff events.
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Mon May 27, 2024 by Momentum Staff
The green season is upon us and Momentum's Sustainability Action Group (SAG) was eager to get outside last month, hosting all-staff events centered around sustainability and learning.
First was a breezy community cleanup on Earth Day, where we scoured our surrounding community and filled several trash bags, then celebrated afterwards with a favourite neighbourhood treat (and Be Local member!) Righteous Gelato.
The following week was Bike to Work Day, where our more experienced staff rode the extra mile (literally) to meet our beginner cyclists at their level, convening at easy meetup points, then riding with them along the pathways and all the way to work. And later in the season we've got a bicycle tune-up day followed by another staff ride-along!
And just before the long weekend we took advantage of the sunshine to cultivate and plant our small community garden. Many hands made very light work as we pulled weeds, identified the "keepers", and planted new perennials and hardy annuals. Our garden is an ongoing learning opportunity as it evolves, and we're excited to be collaborating with Indigenous friends this year to include the four medicines tobacco, sweetgrass, sage and cedar. Our other plants were selected for their drought-tolerance, beneficial pollination, or soil-building aspects.
Aside from events like these, SAG is also working to refresh our Sustainable Purchasing Policy. We do our best to direct Momentum's purchases towards businesses that:
- Promote social equality by paying a living wage, follow inclusive hiring practices, and ensure the wellbeing of employees
- Produce goods or services in ways that reduce their environmental impact
- Keep money circulating in the local economy such as smaller locally-owned businesses or cooperatives
We will share our updated policy soon! We care about our community and we're committed to continuous learning and strategic, sustainable movement forward. Happy spring!
Momentum staff's Earth Day community cleanup.
Momentum staff planting the community garden.
Momentum staff cycling to work.