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Another year, another Great Place to Work®!

Our Great Place to Work® certification continues play a key role in building a work culture that brings out the best in everyone.

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  • Momentum news

Tue Jul 30, 2024 by Momentum Staff

Every year Momentum staff are surveyed through Great Place to Work®, "a global leader in workplace culture, helping organizations create a consistently and overwhelmingly positive employee experience." This annual survey engages staff and encourages honest feedback relating to our organizational culture and workplace evolution. This feedback then provides staff in all levels of operations a chance to celebrate what is working and highlight where more focus is needed.

Certification hinges on staff satisfaction, which is why we're thrilled to have met the bar once again!

We will continue to listen, learn, and center our work environment around our Culture Statement, which reads as follows:

We are a team that cares deeply. We build trust through relationships and results, knowing that real change takes time. We’re learning how to bring out the best in everyone, and not take ourselves too seriously in the process. We’re not perfect, but we strive to do what is right over what is easy. Together we are a community of ordinary people achieving extraordinary things.