Loop texture on a transparent background.

Owen Hart Home Owners Program

Program starts: Tue Jun 3, 2025

Learn, earn, save and thrive!

Rocio Martinez and her family stand in front of a home with green grass

If saving for a home down payment feels out of reach, this program can help. The Owen Hart Home Owners Program offers people living on a lower income the opportunity to save for a down payment while focusing on money management and home ownership finances.

Participants accepted into the Owen Hart Home Owners Program can save for up to five years for their home down payment. During this time, they regularly attend financial consultation sessions and participate in seminars on home purchase and ownership.

The minimum recommended savings is $250 per month towards the home down payment. Participants save for up to 60 months. Upon home purchase Momentum matches the participants’ first year savings 2:1 to a maximum of $6,000. With this savings plan, the participants will have saved at least $15,000 of their own money, bringing the potential down payment to $21,000.

What you will get from this course

  • Close view of a person's arms pressing a button on a calculator and holding a document, with a computer keyboard out of focus on the foreground.

    Take-home resources

    You will be provided with planning tools, worksheets, and other resources to support you on your journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Income Criteria for this program?

How does Momentum match my savings?

Am I guaranteed a spot in the program if I apply?

What do I have to do to participate?

Is this a scam? Where do the matched savings come from?

Income Criteria

To qualify for this program, your household must be living on a low income, below the following cut-off chart (before tax).

Household Size

1 person





2 people





3 people





4 people





5 or more people





  • A person in a blue whirt and glasses pets a cat while laughing on their couch.
    "It feels nice to have this space as my own, and I can decorate it how I want. Since I have purchased my home, I feel I can finally relax."


    Financial Empowerment Program Alum
  • Head and shoulders portrait of a woman of Asian descent, standing in front of a row of homes being built, smiling at the camera.
    "What I learned in the class helped me a lot. I learned how to cut expenses and save money. It was really awesome."


    Financial Empowerment Program Alum
  • Head and shoulders portrait of a Caucasian woman with brown hair, smiling and looking at the camera.
    "Something you see as not being able to achieve, Momentum can make that happen."


    Financial Empowerment Program Alum
  • A man in a grey suit and blue tie poses for a photo in front of a brown building.
    "We have learned so many financial management techniques. We are confident that we can lead a decent life irrespective of economy fluctuations in Canada."


    Financial Empowerment Program Alum
An interview between a Momentum participant and a new anchor.

Watch video on external site.

Momentum participant Rocio Martinez shares her story with CTV's Darrel Janz on Inspired Albertan.

Is this program right for you?

Do you qualify?

  • Applicants must be living on a lower income (see Income Criteria Table).

  • You are over 18 years of age.

  • You are a permanent resident or citizen of Canada.

  • You live in Calgary and area (or if you are Indigenous, Inuit or Metis living in surrounding Treaty 7 territory).

  • You are not full-time student (some exceptions apply for: English language courses, upgrading, employment training programs, etc).

  • Your household is living on a low income, and it is below the income cut off in the chart above (before tax).

  • You have a net worth no greater than 50% of the Income Criteria stated above (some exceptions apply).

  • You carry debts amounting to no more than 50% of your total gross annual income (some exceptions apply).

  • If you have questions about these qualifications, scroll down to contact our Welcome Team.

Next available info sessions

Financial Partners

  • Owen Hart Foundation logo on a transparent background
  • United Way of Calgary and Area logo on a transparent background

Contact our Welcome Team

Our knowledgeable Welcome Team is happy to support you. Please contact us by clicking below or by calling 403-272-9323. Inquiries and messages will receive a response within 3 business days.

Owen Hart Home Owners Program

Learn, earn, save and thrive!

Dates vary

Part time


Lower income, Indigenous, Women, Program graduates


Online, In person

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